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Poultry Academy 1 Product and 1 company

RC Services - Training
RC Services - Training
Crystal Group subsidiary, RC Services offers training to operators of meat busines "animal welfare in slaughterhouses", "withdrawals, sorts and controls in slaughterhouses."
Training courses
Training courses
Chêne Vert Conseil trains farmers and technicians to respond and adapt to the challenges of the terrain, with the stage "poultry diseases, prophylaxis and treatment" of two days and with the module "approach to animal welfare", both issued by trainer veterinarians.
Real Escuela de Avicultura
Real Escuela de Avicultura
About REA (Real Escuela de Avicultura) The mission of Real Escuela de Avicultura is to help feeding  the world providing to new and active poultry professionals the best  contents and contacts.  Show the poultry sector trends and connect  products&companies to the people who needs them: is our DNA since our foundation in 1896. 
About  REA Poultry Media It is the quality poultry contents factory division of the REA oriented to increase the visibility of the poultry products and services.  We do not only offer one or another media channel, we design together with our clients smart and long term content marketing strategies, combining search marketing, events, contents and digital and non-digital...
Fundada en 1896, la Real Escuela de Avicultura ofrece servicios de información y aprendizaje continuo a miles de profesionales del sector avícola cada año. Con una amplia distribución de sus publicaciones en España, Portugal y Latinoamérica, es el único centro de estas características en lengua española. Estos servicios se ofrecen a través de sus publicaciones periódicas (revista
NUT Y SER = NUTYSER = SOLUCIÓN DE PROBLEMAS SOMOS UNA EMPRESA DE SERVICIOS CON PRODUCTOS PROPIOS -Formulación piensos -Análisis de piensos y materias primas -Veterinarios (manejo + patología) -Laboratorio de Patología -Formación de personal de granja -Información precios lonjas -Análisis de costes -Registros de...
Collaborate on poultry knowledge The Poultry Expertise Centre is a partnership of private-sector companies, governments and educational institutes, operating or involved with the poultry industry. With the start of the Poultry Expertise Centre the expertise of education, research and business is bundled and used for training of entrepreneurs and employees working in the periphery of the poultry...
IRSEA IS AN INSTITUTE... The Phérosynthèse research and development laboratory was created in 1995, specializing in chemical communication within the living world. In 2010, Phérosynthèse became the Research Institute in Semiochemistry and Applied Ethology (IRSEA). By identifying chemical signals that play a role in the life of animals, it is possible to develop new therapeutic and zootechnical...
A network of firms serving animal health in the livestock and agri-business sectors The Cristal Group was originally set up by four veterinary practices, developing historically through a focus on health techniques and associated services (training, research investigations, diets & nutrition, and distribution). It then consolidated the development...
Criando Gallinas
Nos especializamos en Avicultura Ecológica que nace en el 2012 por el interés de incursionar en el mercado del huevo orgánico pero con un manejo basado en estándares de bienestar animal y crianza alternativa. Hemos capacitado presencial y online para productores de diversos países: USA, México, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Ecuador, Perú, Guatemala,...