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Poultry dead animals treatments 1 Product and 1 company

Incineradora IGE Mini AB
Incineradora IGE Mini AB
Descripción del Producto Con una capacidad de carga de 250 kilos, el MINI AB es el incinerador agrícola más pequeño que tenemos en nuestra gama. Es perfecto para las aves de corral, caza, pescado, residuos de carnicería y residuos generales. Es una máquina dinámica que se puede utilizar en múltiples configuraciones, y debido a su diseño...
Incineradora IGE Sb
Incineradora IGE Sb
La incineradora addField SB es una de las más grandes de la gama de Incineradores IGE, con una capacidad de carga de hasta 750 kg. Es extremadamente robusto, y es ideal para aves de corral grandes (o grandes explotaciones avícolas), cerdos, ovejas, residuos de carnicería y residuos en general.
Incineradora IGE Tb
Incineradora IGE Tb
El addField TB de 1.300 KG incinerador de ganado es una de nuestras incineradoras más populares dentro de la gama de gran tamaño. Sus amplias cámaras internas aseguran que incluso los animales más grandes se pueden cargar rápida y eficientemente. Viene con registro de datos de serie, que registra la temperatura...
Incineradora IGE Mini
Incineradora IGE Mini
El incinerador agrícola MINI ha sido instalado por ingenieros especializados en explotaciones de todo el mundo, y como tal, es uno de los más populares de Incineradores IGE. Debido a su capacidad de carga de 350 kg, es perfecto para la incineración de todo tipo de aves de corral como, por ejemplo, pollos de engorde, gallinas, pintadas y caza....
Incineradora IGE Mini Plus
Incineradora IGE Mini Plus
El incinerador para granjas addField MINI PLUS 500 kg es uno de nuestros incineradores de tamaño mediano más populares. Es ligeramente menos profundo que el modelo MINI, pero con una capacidad de carga más grande. Perfecto para ovejas, cerdos de engorde y cría, así como aves de corral,...
medium-capacity animal carcass incinerator The VOLKAN 200 series is a compact yet powerful incinerator, ideal for the disposal of poultry, sheep and medium-sized animal carcasses. Why choose the VOLKAN 200? The VOLKAN 200 is specifically designed for the incineration of: Sheep carcasses Poultry carcasses Medium-sized pet animal carcasses (cats...
I8-75A model is a mid range incinerator, giving you quality design and engineering. You get controlled air incineration, providing optimal combustion conditions for different waste types. The top loading design provides liquid retention making this incinerator ideal for all your incineration needs and waste types. This unit benefits from a secondary chamber with afterburner for the re-burn of harmful...
I8-700 model is amongst our largest incinerators. You get controlled air incineration as standard, providing optimal combustion conditions for different waste types, vital for seasonal and operational variations in your organisation. Top loading design provides liquid retention making this incinerator ideal for incineration of many different waste streams. Gives you the size, performance and flexibility....
I8-55A model, a great investment, is a mid range incinerator. Proving you with controlled air incinerator and optimal combustion conditions for different waste types.This top loader is the perfect choice if you need liquid retention making this incinerator ideal for incineration of most types of waste. This unit benefits from a secondary chamber with afterburner for the re-burn of harmful emissions...
I8-40A model is a small scale incinerator giving you plenty of options. You have controlled air incineration, providing optimal combustion conditions for different waste types. Top loading design provides liquid retention making this incinerator ideal for incineration of many different waste types. This unit benefits from a secondary chamber with afterburner for the re-burn of harmful emissions with...
I8-250 model is the first of our larger models with the internal capacity to handle ponies, cows and other larger animals. You get controlled air incineration, offering optimal combustion conditions and careful management for most waste streams. Its large opening gives you the best apeture with top loading design for easy access and continous loading. This unit benefits from a large secondary chamber...
I8-200 model is an entry-level large scale incinerator that will consistently perform for you. It gives you controlled air incinerator, providing optimal combustion conditions for different waste types. As well as range of waste type solutions you also benefit from top loading design giving you liquid retention -it deals with many of the common solids and liquids. This unit benefits from a secondary...
I8-140 model is a high performance, large scale incinerator. This model is a controlled air incinerator, providing optimal combustion conditions for different waste types. The top loading design gives you liquid retention making this incinerator ideal for reliable incineration of many of your different waste types. This unit benefits from a secondary chamber with afterburner for the re-burn of harmful...
I8-1000 model is our largest incinerator giving you high volume capacity for your waste needs. This model is a controlled air incinerator, providing optimal combustion conditions for different waste types. Top loading design provides liquid retention making this incinerator ideal for incineration of many different waste streams. A serious solution for the serious user and a machine that gives you real...
Poultry Incinerator - Mini AB
Poultry Incinerator - Mini AB
With a loading chamber of up to 250kg, the Mini AB is the smallest of the agricultural / Animal By-product incinerators, making the unit ideal for poultry waste, with on average 75 chickens per batch load to be incinerated. The Mini AB is also an ideal machine for the Kennel and Cattery sector, it is very durable and easy to use. Waste is top loaded through a counter weight lid....
IPECA Soluciones
IPECA, máquinas incineradoras. La innovación en la eliminación de residuos orgánicos. Desarrolladas por y para los granjeros. La maquina incineradors IPECA ha sido desarrollada por granjeros por lo que esta optimizada para satisfacer las necesidades especificas del sector. Fáciles de Usar. SMART. Aplicación SMART...
IGE Incineradores Grupo España
Incineradores Grupo España es una compañía dedicada a la comercialización de incineradores de alta calidad. Son incineradores de la reconocida marca addField, construidos 100% en Inglaterra, donde addField lleva fabricando incineradores y hornos crematorios desde hace más de 30 años. Situada en la región central de Inglaterra, el corazón de la industria británica, toda su producción se...
CALTEC Hornos Industriales
La fábrica y oficinas de Caltec están ubicadas en Caseros, localidad perteneciente al cordón industrial del Gran Buenos Aires. Cuenta con 2250 metros cuadrados de talleres y 300 metros cuadrados de oficinas, entre sus dos plantas, vehículos de transporte, camión para traslado de maquinaria y autoelevadores de cargas. Programas de diseño y cálculo de equipos de combustión por PC, en el...
Waste Spectrum Environmental has been designing, manufacturing and servicing incinerators in the UK since the 1990s. We are the leading manufacturer and supplier of incineration systems in the international market. The comprehensive range of technically advanced, high-quality, economic, DEFRA ‘type-approved’ incinerators are ideal for the disposal of all types of animal carcass, medical...
Addfield Environmental Systems Ltd
Addfield supplies the most efficient, robust incinerators in the worldwide marketplace today. Our incineration machines are renowned for their strength, reliability & longevity. Being the UK’s leading manufacturer of quality equipment for over 30 years proves that the Addfield range of machines are reliable and have the durability to stand the test of time. Our equipment has become the leading...
Inciner8 Limited
Inciner8 are a globally respected manufacturing organisation offering a range of incinerators for all applications in the waste management industry. Founded in 2004 as a specialist poultry incinerator supplier, we gre very quickly and became manufacturers by 2009. Our products are specifically designed with clean air incineration at the forefront of our product development. They are...
Bio Trends Ibérica S.L.
Bio Trends Ibérica S.L. was born as the Prevención Bio Ambiental, S.L. commercial division to commercialize and distribute the products under the PBA trademark. Prevención Bio Ambiental, S.L. has been present in the market for more than 35 years, whose hallmark is the development and production of environmentally friendly biocides....