VIV Europe - Stand 11.A059
NestBorn® is a revolutionary on-farm hatching concept with focus on broiler welfare and sustainability. Without need for specific installations or investments in the broiler house, pre-hatched eggs are gently placed in a natural litter bed. A unique “real-time” monitoring platform of the egg shell temperature in the broiler house allows...
The X-Treck is a unique concept that enables on-farm hatching in traditional broiler houses. X-Treck provides an optimal start resulting in robust broilers and forms the basis for further profitability in broiler production.
In the X-Treck, setter trays with 18 day-incubated eggs are placed on a rail system that is suspended over the length of the broiler house. The rail system is positioned...
Compuesto por los 3 modelos de la serie 4001
Jaula compuesta por los tres modelos de criadoras de la serie 4001.
Muy versátil a la hora de criar pollitos de distintas edades, ya que varía la altura de los compartimentos.
Vencomatics’ Patio system currently accommodates about 25 million bird places worldwide. On-farm hatching is a standard feature in the Patio system, ensuring direct feed and water access for all broilers directly post-hatch. The system provides a perfect environment for birds from hatching until the end of the growing period. The daily operation of the Patio system is facilitated by highly automated...
The X-Treck is a unique concept that enables on-farm hatching in traditional broiler houses. X-Treck provides an optimal start resulting in robust broilers and forms the basis for further profitability in broiler production.
In the X-Treck, setter trays with 18 day-incubated eggs are placed on a rail system that is suspended over the length of the broiler house. The rail system is positioned...
En Vencomatic Group llevamos cerca de 40 años desarrollando soluciones innovadoras y respetuosas con el bienestar animal.
Vencomatic Group fue fundado por Cor y Han van de Ven, en Eersel, Países Bajos. Todo empezó en el 1983, con la avanzada innovación de los sistemas de alojamiento de reproductoras ideada por Cor: el primer nido de reproductoras automático. En su momento, fue una idea...
Finca Casarejo es una sociedad que pertenece a una familia amante de los animales y la naturaleza. Contamos con todos los permisos necesarios para la compra y venta de aves, tanto de corral como silvestres. Desde septiembre hasta junio, todos los meses importamos aves de Europa, principalmente gallinas y anátidas.
Además de animales, distribuimos productos relacionados con la avicultura. Somos...
Vencomatic Group offers solutions in housing, egg handling and climate control for any type of poultry house. With our slogan ‘Think ahead with poultry people’ we underline our innovative character and express how we value our customers and partners.
Peter Vingerling (CCO); "We strongly believe in working together to ensure optimum results now and in the future".
NestBorn is a revolutionary on-farm hatching concept with focus on broiler welfare and sustainability. Without need for specific installations or investments in the broiler house, pre-hatched eggs are gently placed in a natural litter bed. A unique “real-time” monitoring platform of the egg shell temperature in the...
Bio Trends Ibérica S.L.
Bio Trends Ibérica S.L. was born as the Prevención Bio Ambiental, S.L. commercial division to commercialize and distribute the products under the PBA trademark.
Prevención Bio Ambiental, S.L. has been present in the market for more than 35 years, whose hallmark is the development and production of environmentally friendly biocides....
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