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Travessa do Bacelo nº222, 4620-753
Lousada, Porto (PORTUGAL)

Aerotermos AGRO Flowair (CC-traducion es)

We are a company specialized in products of Heating, Ventilation and Air curtains for, Animal Productions (farms), Greenhouses, Industry and Commerce "FLOWAIR".
More than 10 years of experience and present in 32 markets Europe and Asia.
With representation in the Iberian Peninsula.
We intend to distribute products specially designed by engineers for an excellent animal production.
The heating products are air heaters designed for all the adversities of a production environment.
The products are suitable from a nascent to a series of ready for the food program, high efficiency in the dispersion of air, anticorrosive and no harmful emissions or any risk to a ship!
In addition to being very economical equipment for the use of water, only for the heat source and for the power supply for ventilation
Permit for Non-Winter Warming and the creation of a recommended environment, as well as no Summer helps to cool a temperature up to 8 ° of the temperature, according to a temperature existing outside.
At the level of cleaning can be opened and easy cleaned with air / water pressure and so that dust does not remain no air heater were dimensioned fins more spaced
They can be a unique solution for heating or even a complementary solution (with another system) depending on the needs of the ships. Since it has an advantage both in easy installation because they are light, as when they are connected they start to emit heat!

Area of ​​influence

Address and location

Travessa do Bacelo nº222, 4620-753
Lousada, Porto (PORTUGAL)

GPS coordinates:
Latitude: - Longitude:


  • GPS coordenadas: 41.302422 -8.21441

Own brands

Distributed brands

We have a learning policy and all the years of experience serve to improve our products. We are proud of the terms of a product that differentiates itself by being simple, efficient, economical, competitive and even more beautiful!

1 Products

Flowair en EUROTIER

Calefacion Flowair

Flowair Image

Flowair Office

Lusoqueima representante ofici...

Ciudad ejemplo FLOWAIR

Calderas Industriales a Biomas...

Sistema de quema Lusoqueima pa...

Presentación Flowair Companhia

Leo Agro

Leo Agro SP horizontal

Leo Agro SP vertical

Limpieza Aerotermos

Controlador de productos T-Box

Produtos Flowair

Aerotermos AGRO Flowair (CC-traducion es)

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