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OX-CTA -Water Treatments Company

Parque Tecnológico Walqa, Ctra. Zaragoza Km.566, 22197
CUARTE (España)

Presentación corporativa de OX-CTA

OX Group is a leading business group whose main activities are centred on the development, implementation and management of Integrated Biosafety Solutions. Its growth is based on R+D+I+A (research + development + innovation + application of the innovation), the maximisation of human capital and internationalisation. The Group's main activities are based around: R+D: By way of its own researchers and in collaboration with external experts in joint R+D+I projects.

INNOVATION AND ITS APPLICATION: The development of unique products and patented technologies in the field of special disinfections.

MANUFACTURING: with commitments based on safety, health protection and caring for the environment.

PRODUCT MARKETING the very latest, highly stable and effective.

APPLICATION OF TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS with confirmed and guaranteed results.

LABORATORY to control all the activity's cycle and as an external treatment and services control provider in the fields of waters, food, the environment and surfaces. As experts in the field of Biosafety, application of our “know how” guarantees the effectiveness of our treatments at all times. OX Group can count on a highly specialised team that forms part of a program of continual improvement based on continual training, the ongoing search for new talents and the generation of an ideal climate for the generation of ideas that guarantee the continuity of the project.

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Area of ​​influence

Address and location

Parque Tecnológico Walqa, Ctra. Zaragoza Km.566, 22197
CUARTE (España)

GPS coordinates:
Latitude: 42.107805 - Longitude: -0.457254

1 Products




Market-leading ecological and effective disinfectant for use in cleaning and disinfecting water distribution circuits, disinfection of installations, environments and surfaces, feed troughs, drinking troughs, disinfection arcs and transport vehicles, incubatab ...

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Presentación corporativa de OX-CTA

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