Pharmaceutical Line
Tray Destacking & Stacking
Egg Candling at 8 to 14 days
Inoculation at 8 to 11 days
Decaping & Harvesting
Egg Tray Washer & Decontamination
Waste Disposal
VIV Europe - Stand 10.C013
V-ETIC is connecting the poultry, swine, dairy and beef industries by providing electronic traceability and compliance to meet the growing need to manage, track, trace, report and analyze. This new and innovative solution provides automatic recognition of animal treatments in real time during the treatment process. By using RFID...
Long ago, injection systems from Henke-Sass, Wolf have become indispensable in the treatment of small and large animals such us cows, horses, pigs, fish, chicken etc. The diversity of products and the modular design of the systems ensure that you will always find the right device among our range – for all your applications.
Smart Vaccination avicultura
Trazabilidad integral de los procesos de vacunación.
HIPRA incorpora en este servicio la tecnología más avanzada en el ámbito de la salud animal, ofreciendo a sus clientes una conectividad total entre la vacuna, la explotación y el personal que trabaja en ella (veterinarios y ganaderos) de un modo completamente automático y en tiempo real, en lo que representa un auténtico...
Hipraspray® es un revolucionario dispositivo de vacunación diseñado por HIPRA para la administración de EVALON® e HIPRACOX® (vacunas vivas de HIPRA contra la coccidiosis en aves reproductoras y ponedoras) en la sala de incubación.
Este nuevo concepto de dispositivos de vacunación por pulverización es capaz de proporcionar exactitud, precisión, consistencia, fiabilidad y trazabilidad de la vacunación.
Vectormune® ND
VECTORMUNE® ND contains a live frozen serotype 3 Marek (HVT) vector vaccine virus indicated for use in chickens.
The HVT in VECTORMUNE® ND expresses key protective Newcastle
disease virus antigen.
IN LINE SPRAY (ILS) is an automatic sprayer with flat spray for DOC spray vaccination in hatchery.
Specially developed for large volumes, it has a flat nozzle technology applying, in a non-stop process, a homogeneous spray pattern with constant droplet size and crate coverage.
Unique In-Line Sprayer:
Flat spray...
The UlvaVac is a professional spray applicator for poultry vaccination. The sprayer incorporates a spinning disc atomiser to control accurately spray droplet size, a process referred to as Controlled Droplet Application (CDA) which is essential for the efficient delivery of spray vaccine. Spray droplets are dispersed in a turbulent airstream to ensure even distribution to...
Automatic Intramuscular Injector for Pullet Vaccination
Our patented Desvac Imvac is the most advanced technology in vaccination equipment bringing the pullet producer the unique advantage of quality of vaccination, staff safety and speed.
Pathologies: All inactivated vaccines
Ceva Vaccines:...
Our Desvac Wingvac makes wing-web vaccine application safer for staff and much more accurate than the traditional manual vaccination. Birds are thus better protected.
Pathologies: Fowl Pox, Chicken Infectious Anaemia
Ceva Vaccines: Circomune, Vectormune FP
Key Features & Benefits:
Desde sus inicios, se ha mostrado como una empresa dinámica en constante crecimiento y expansión dentro del sector zoosanitario en los campos de la comercialización y fabricación de productos para uso veterinario, tanto propios como fabricados por otras empresas del sector.
Nuestra actividad se fundamenta en cuatro líneas de negocios:
Fabricación y comercialización de productos farmacológicos...
HIPRA es una compañía internacional farmacéutica veterinaria dedicada a la investigación, producción y comercialización de productos Biológicos y Farmacológicos para la Salud Animal. Con más de medio siglo de historia, nuestra actividad ha venido siempre marcada por una gran vocación de liderazgo, especialmente en el campo de la Prevención, donde hoy por hoy, somos un claro referente mundial gracias...
Within the hatchery of today an efficient, continuous and hygienic production process is crucial to ensure profitability and product quality. Current production volumes, bio-security, labour and animal welfare regulations make hatchery automation fundamental to achieve this. We develop, produce, install and service innovative and reliable hatchery automation. Together with a hygienic and efficient...
Ceva Santé Animale was the fastest growing Top 10 veterinary health company through the first 10 years of our existence. Our expertise centres on the two fields of pharmacology and biology, where we have dedicated teams that aim to meet the specific demands of the companion animal, poultry, ruminant and swine sectors. We continually strive to find better solutions to existing and emerging diseases...
Micron Group:
Incorporating Micron Sprayers Ltd, Micronair and Enviromist Industries Pty companies, Micron Group is a leading manufacturer of specialist sprayers and weed control equipment for a wide range of applications worldwide.
With over five decades of industry experience, Micron products offer uncompromised quality, durability and ease of use. As pioneers of Controlled...
Henke-Sass, Wolf GmbH
Inventing, developing and improving
The passion for developing technological solutions in the sectors of medical technology and industrial products – or, briefly put, engineering ingenuity – represents the essence of Henke-Sass, Wolf. Ever since it was founded in 1921, the company has been deeply and intensively involved in research, development and design for reliable...
Conception & Service worldwide
Large know how & Multidisciplinary team
Innovative technology for tomorrow processing tools
A large range of products for various sizes and speeds requirements.
Una larga trayectoria como especialistas en la conducción de fluidos nos respalda, motiva y posiciona en el mercado español como un serio referente.
Nuestro esfuerzo de años se ha visto reconocido a través de nuestras marcas representadas de prestigio internacional como TEFEN.
TEFEN es un fabricante de renombre que ofrece soluciones a una amplia gama de sectores para tratamientos...
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