TIGSA by PGSaludables
PGS is a manufacturer of equipment for the automation of all types of livestock farming industry as pig and poultry industry. We are specialized in the automation of eating and drinking systems.
Productos Ganaderos Saludables acquieres TIGSA® in Noviembre 2019. Familiar company with international experience of more than 25 years in automotive and quimic industry.
Our brand ...
AVIRAUT (Avicultura de Razas Autóctonas) suministra las razas de gallinas catalanas recuperadas y mejoradas (carne y huevos) por el IRTA: Penedesenca, Empordanesa y Prat. También sumnistra y selecciona la Oca del Empordà y la gallina enana catalana "Flor d'Ametller".
The vocation of GRIMAUD FRERES SELECTION is the genealogical genetic selection, the reproduction and the marketing of healthy animals equipped with the best potential in order to meet the needs for the dies for production.
The company selects ducks since nearly 40 years and occupies today a place of leader on this market. With the son of the years the range widened with coloured geese, rabbits,...
Granja de selección Santa Isabel, es la explotación avícola más antigua de España. Situada a las faldas de la Sierra de Córdoba a seis kilómetros de la ciudad, próxima a las Ruinas de Medina Azahara.
La fundadora de esta empresa fue Doña Isabel Herrero López, mujer viuda, emprendedora para su época y autodidacta.
La iniciativa de nuestra fundadora, comienza...
Lighting advice for poultry
Agrilight b.v. has a unique understanding of lighting technology and the targeted use of lighting for different types of livestock. Light intensity, light distribution, day length and light colour all have implications for animal welfare and therefore animal behaviour. The right balance between these four factors has a positive influence on livestock....
The development of the duck- and geese-market started around 1980, at the same time as the consumption in the french households was diversifying.
France is now the first producer of duck meat in Europe and the second producer worldwide :
300 000 tons of ducks (carcass) per year.
ORVIA is the most important supplier of day-old ducklings for meat production...
AVICOLA ONLINE es una empresa avícola especializada en la distribución y comercialización de aves de corral, orientadas a producciones camperas y/o ecológicas, para la producción casera de autoconsumo. Cinco Villas, Navarra y La Rioja Baja el reparto A DOMICILIO se efectúa semanalmente y según ruta y pedidos. Resto de España servicios a convenir según volumen de pedido.
Somos una empresa dedicada al diseño de equipos en acero inoxidable para la industria alimentaria. Diseño de plantas para el sacrificio de aves de corral y fabricacion de equipos y puesta en marcha de proyectos para las industrias.
We produce high-efficiency lighting systems for the well-being of animals
The consolidated company Ital Dec-Or S.r.l., which has been operating on the European market since 1985, has created the AVILUCE brand specialized in LED lighting for farms, in collaboration with the technician Andrea Freretti.
Since 2001 the company has been the leader on the LED lighting market with its brand...
We are a company specialized in products of Heating, Ventilation and Air curtains for, Animal Productions (farms), Greenhouses, Industry and Commerce "FLOWAIR".
More than 10 years of experience and present in 32 markets Europe and Asia.
With representation in the Iberian Peninsula.
We intend to distribute products specially designed by engineers for an excellent animal production.
Bio Trends Ibérica S.L.
Bio Trends Ibérica S.L. was born as the Prevención Bio Ambiental, S.L. commercial division to commercialize and distribute the products under the PBA trademark.
Prevención Bio Ambiental, S.L. has been present in the market for more than 35 years, whose hallmark is the development and production of environmentally friendly biocides....
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