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Aviaries for laying hens (in production) 1 Product and 1 company

Managing aviary birds is easier than you think The Bolegg Gallery is Vencomatics new multi-tier aviary system for layers that combines user friendliness with a clever and economic design. While birds can follow their natural behaviour resulting in optimal laying performance, it allows you to collect eggs in an efficient way, preserving the quality after lay. At the heart...
Aviario de recria BOLEGG STARTER
Aviario de recria BOLEGG STARTER
Con el aviario de recría de pollitas Bolegg Starter, el avicultor tiene una instalación de calidad para la familiarización de las aves con los alojamientos en aviarios con gran facilidad de uso. En este sistema de filas con plataformas internas, el entrenamiento de las pollitas se empieza desde el primer día en el sistema. Elevando las plataformas integradas, los niveles de agua y alimento...
Los sistemas alternativos TECNO, prevén una gama de productos de diferentes dimensiones,adecuados para optimizar el espacio y el volumen del criadero disponible. Ventajas: el sistema permite una mayor densidad de crianza y la facilidad de desplazamiento de los animales en los diferentes niveles. El aseladero, dotado de cintas de limpieza, permite una condición de mayor higiene y bienestar...
Proyectos llaves en mano para naves de pollos, puesta y aviarios de Big Dutchman
Proyectos llaves en mano para naves de pollos, puesta y aviarios de Big Dutchman
BIG DUTCHMAN cuenta con todos los accesorios y la tecnología necesaria para construir granjas avícolas listas para entregar. Especialistas en ventilación, calefacción y sistemas de control, también desarrollan su propia tecnología en comederos, sistemas de refrigeración, distribución de pienso o iluminación. La ventilación por sistema combi-tunel llevada a las máximas exigencias de cada clima...
NATURA aviary systems for layers are characterized by their flexibility, efficiency and ease of use for birds and ... also for people.
Manual nest
Manual nest
Flexy has developed, thanks to its technical knowledge on automatic nests and experience on egg collection and management, this semi-automatic nest able to match the expectations of all the farmers that need a versatile product that can be developed with the time, following the growth of their farms. These nests have been designed to provide comfortable accommodation for layers and...
Family Nest
Family Nest
FAMILY NEST is the communal automatic nest of FLEXY, developed to meet the expectations of the farmers that want a versatile product, easier to assemble and comfortable for the birds. Our nest is using a mix of wood and metal parts, to guarantee the perfect combination between a natural environment for the birds and longer lifetime of the product. The legs of the nests will be always provided in stainless...
Since its introduction over 25 million birds have been housed on the Bolegg Terrace, expressing the great success of this aviary system. The Bolegg Terrace is designed like a tree. No other system is as open as the Bolegg Terrace. Together with the smart positioning of the perches, this facilitates vertical movement of the hens. Without encountering any obstacles hens can move within the system and...
Aviario Combo Landmeco
Aviario Combo Landmeco
El Combo está diseñado con niveles escalonados, que garantiza a las aves una óptima libertad de movimiento, tanto vertical como horizontalmente, de modo que ningún otro sistema del mercado puede hacerlo. Fácil Acceso al nidal El nidal ubicado en el centro, asegura que las gallinas tengan un fácil acceso al nidal. El Combo favorece al productor...
Alojamiento para gallinas de puesta
Alojamiento para gallinas de puesta
Avio AVIO es un nido automático diseñado para reproductoras y ponedoras comerciales. El cuidado y la atención prestados al diseño y la construcción de AVIO aporta un ambiente confortable en el que las gallinas pueden poner sus huevos. El nido no sólo no daña los huevos sino que los mantiene limpios y seguros. El sistema de recogida automática tiene dos ventajas principales:...
Aviario para puesta VIKE 2
Aviario para puesta VIKE 2
Sistemas de aviario Vike Vike es el sistema de aviario para puesta más vendido de VOLITO. Estos aviarios tienen bases y patas de acero inoxidable y se componen de varios niveles: Nivel de vida, que incluye comederos, bebederos, slat metálico, sistema de aireación, cintas de recogida de gallinaza Nivel de nido incluyendo bebederos, perchas y uno...
Aviario de recría VOLUTION 2
Aviario de recría VOLUTION 2
Aviario de recría Volution-2 El aviario de recría Volution-2 crece junto con el pollitas. Es el sistema de recría ideal que prepara a las pollitas como futuras ponedoras en sistemas de aviario donde se podrán mover con facilidad. Sistema de crianza de aviario Las pollitas son entrenadas óptimamente para su futuro traslado a...
Sistema alternativo a las jaulas para producción de huevos con sistema automatizado de alimentación, recogida de huevos y extracción de gallinaza.
Los sistemas alternativos TECNO, prevén una gama de productos de diferentes dimensiones, adecuados para optimizar el espacio y el volumen del criadero disponible... Pudiendo ahora reconvertirlos en jaulas de uno, dos o tres niveles, aptas para huevo número 2 y 3.  
Según las nuevas directrices Europeas, a partir de 2012 todas las granjas de gallinas ponedoras de los países de la Unión deberán cumplir con una serie de reglamentaciones estrictas y las gallinas deberán abandonar las jaulas. Por este motivo  le ofrece todo tipo de productos para que sus explotaciones cumplan con la nueva normativa. Dicha normativa fija en 9, por ejemplo, el número máximo...
multi-tiered group housing system for breeders
multi-tiered group housing system for breeders
Veranda Breeder - by Vencomatic The Veranda Breeder is a multi-tiered group housing system for breeders. Birds are housed in groups assuring a uniform distribution of males and females and reducing stress within the flock. While using vertical space, the Veranda Breeder departs from the conventional floor design, increasing the number of birds for the floor area used....
egg production number 2 in floor RONDEEL
egg production number 2 in floor RONDEEL
The Roundel has been designed and equipped to allow all the birds to indulge in their natural behaviour, while also taking into account the fact that practices, such as beak-trimming, will not have to be applied. 1. The Night Quarters provide living space for the primary needs of the hens: eating, drinking, resting and laying eggs. In this area existing technology in...
COMFORT 3® AVIARY SYSTEM The Comfort 3 aviary system has been specially designed to create more living space in the house. A manure conveyor with slats is placed above the Premium+® laying nests. Stairs are attached to the sides so the hens can move upwards more easily.
BROMAXX® BROILER COLONY SYSTEM The BroMaxx broiler colony system ensures perfect environment, hygiene and animal health and therefore maximum growth and a uniform broiler flock with premium meat quality. The system is designed for high bird density and smart harvesting methods result in significant labour savings.
PARENT STOCK for maximum chicken breeding per shed
PARENT STOCK for maximum chicken breeding per shed
These batteries are available with 2-4 tiers in 905 mm (35.6'') and 1810 mm (71.2'') widths. The advantage of the parent cage system, compared to the parent stock floor system, is clean eggs and therefore sucessful egg production and best quality of hatched chicks. Your profitability will rise. The SALMET system provides more egg production per bird, better feed conversion and climate control within...
SALMET PEDIGROW the aviary rearing school
SALMET PEDIGROW the aviary rearing school
All day-old-chicks are smoothly prepared for their natural abilities like climbing-training and rearing and become well adapted to their eventual laying facilities. The chicks start in the litter area with feed and water systems that are spatially separated and individually adjustable in heights. At the age of 3-4 weeks the feed troughs and water pipes are installed on the highest level,...
Rearing aviary
Rearing aviary
Rearing/Brooding Cage System The Pullet rearing aviary system is designed to provide economic solutions considering housing and bird management. Meller successfully developed the Rearing Aviary system due to Intensive research and development on a test unit and on a commercial scale farm. Meller, a manufacturing and marketing driven organisation manufacturing a...
KL Aviary
KL Aviary
KL aviary Open-sided, multilevel aviaries offer laying hens all the advantages of being in a natural, outdoor setting while giving the farmer a degree of monitoring and supervision that was previously available only in enclosed henhouses. A cleverly thought-out henhouse concept, based on a modular design. Our long years of experience have shown us that the correct arrangement...
The Veranda Breeder is a multi-tiered group housing system for breeders. Birds are housed in groups assuring a uniform distribution of males and females and reducing stress within the flock. While using vertical space, the Veranda Breeder departs from the conventional floor design, increasing the number of birds for the floor area used. Combined with a high level of automation, this enables the farm...
GRANDO NEST - Nest for breeders and layers
GRANDO NEST - Nest for breeders and layers
The success of our Classic Nest continued with the development of the Grando Nest. The nest is made of durable and hygienic materials, such as high quality plastics and stainless steel. But above all these materials provide an attractive area for a bird to lay her egg. The smart nest design allows for quick assembly, and easy access to essential elements for maintenance and thorough cleaning. These...
With the two-tiered Veranda Aviary you have full control over your layers. Each tier offers feed, water and nest space, providing easy access for all hens to these essentials. Exterior ramps facilitate access to both levels and the scratching area. The Veranda Aviary: - is a safe choice, regardless of the rearing system; - prevent eggs remaining in the system - maximises...
Vencomatics’ Patio system currently accommodates about 25 million bird places worldwide. On-farm hatching is a standard feature in the Patio system, ensuring direct feed and water access for all broilers directly post-hatch. The system provides a perfect environment for birds from hatching until the end of the growing period. The daily operation of the Patio system is facilitated by highly automated...
JUMP START - Aviary Rearing System for Layers
JUMP START - Aviary Rearing System for Layers
With the Jump Start you rear birds to be true athletes. Day-old chicks are placed on a slatted surface where they have direct access to feed and water. As birds grow the difference between feeding and drinking levels gradually increases so the birds learn to jump to different levels and perches. Hens reared in the Jump Start have had excellent training and will find their way in any aviary house.
Since its introduction over 25 million birds have been housed on the Bolegg Terrace, expressing the great success of this aviary system. The Bolegg Terrace is designed like a tree. No other system is as open as the Bolegg Terrace. Together with the smart positioning of the perches, this facilitates vertical movement of the hens. Without encountering any obstacles hens can move within the system and...
Aviarios de la prestigiosa marca Volito. Es un sistema aviario compacto. Está hecho de materiales de alta calidad e integrado con nidos de puesta integrados. Disponible de uno o dos pisos. Las gallinas pueden moverse fácilmente de un piso a otro en el aviario. Sistema probado con excelentes resultados.
Somos la segunda generación de una empresa familiar dedicada desde hace más de 40 años a la fabricación y distribución de infraestructuras y soluciones para el sector avícola y agroalimentario dentro de la península ibérica. Trabajamos para lograr la máxima satisfacción de nuestro cliente asesorándole en su proyecto de empresa y acompañándole en sus procesos de implantación, aportando soluciones...
En Vencomatic Group llevamos cerca de 40 años desarrollando soluciones innovadoras y respetuosas con el bienestar animal. Vencomatic Group fue fundado por Cor y Han van de Ven, en Eersel, Países Bajos. Todo empezó en el 1983, con la avanzada innovación de los sistemas de alojamiento de reproductoras ideada por Cor: el primer nido de reproductoras automático. En su momento, fue una idea...
Maker Farms es una empresa especializada en el diseño, concepción y montaje de instalaciones avícolas, ganaderas y de cercas que ha sabido rodearse de las mejores marcas y proveedores del mercado para conseguir, con una experiencia de más de 25 años, llevar a cabo las más rentables instalaciones tanto en el sector ganadero como industrial. Desde el año 2003 Maker Farms también está presente...
Since its inception in 1938, Big Dutchman has become the largest company of livestock facilities worldwide for poultry and pig farms. The use of waste is the most recent area of ​​activity. The wide range of the company covers all types of housing systems, food and air. Practices and future solutions that combine animal welfare with economic benefits and energy sustainability is. Big...
New Farms es una empresa joven y dinámica con más de 10 años de experiencia al servicio de la ganadería. Especializada en ganadería intensiva, New Farms fabrica y comercializa en exclusiva sólo productos de primera calidad. New Farms exporta a otros paises y en la actualidad trabaja en los cinco continentes. Roxell - Silos, transportadores, comederos y...
The company was founded in 1966. Since that time Kovobel has been developing and supplying technological systems for poultry breeding and today is the largest producer and supplier of these systems in Middle Europe. Kovobel is producing Cage systems for pullets and layers, Aviary systems for welfare breeding of pullets and layers and Automatical nest boxes for commertial and parents stock. Every...
Potters Poultry International Ltd
Potters Poultry International, from its base in the UK has been manufacturing and specialising in quality poultry equipment for 50 years. We are a world leading supplier of automatic nests, aviary and multi-tier systems, enriched cages, rearing solutions, plastic slats, feeders and drinkers for poultry. Covering 5 continents.
Meller Anlagenbau GmbH
Meller since over 70 years an innovative and reliable partner in the poultry industry.  The cooperation with our customers is important for us. Because their success is our success too. MELLER systems are successfully operated in more than 25 countries worldwide.  More than 80% of production is exported.
Kutlusan Kafes Ekipman Ve Hayvancilik San
KUTLUSAN POULTRY EQUIPMENT CO. was founded in 1996 in order to produce the quality equipment in Turkish poultry industry. In our plant, which is located on Ankara Road, Kemalpaşa, Izmir has totally 55.000 m2 area (21.000 m2 covered), poultry equipment production is being carried out under the most modern conditions for Turkish and international market. Our Company that grows in a certain...
As worldwide market leader in the development and distribution of housing equipment and feeding systems for modern poultry management, Big Dutchman offers you everything from one single source. Big Dutchman’s extensive product lines ranges from simple installations to computer-controlled feeding and housing systems, environment-friendly, feed-saving manure belt batteries, furnished colony systems,...
We manufacture all models of layer cages from 2 to 12 tiers including all models of the enriched colony systems, all models of rearing cages from 2 to 12 tiers, all model of enriched cages, feeding systems (hoppers, flat chain, spiral), egg collection systems (lifters, de-escalators, elevators or rod conveyors), drinking equipment (nipple, cups, water tanks), manure handling and drying systems, (scrapers,...
POULTEC Poultry Technology Experts:  More than advertising Poultry Equipment , we deeply believe from our experience that quality and customer service are the basis of our improvement .  We provide poultry producers worldwide with the most technologically advanced and economical solutions for:  - Poultry floor keeping systems. 
Vencomatic Group offers solutions in housing, egg handling and climate control for any type of poultry house. With our slogan ‘Think ahead with poultry people’ we underline our innovative character and express how we value our customers and partners. Peter Vingerling (CCO); "We strongly believe in working together to ensure optimum results now and in the future".
LEADER Productos Agropecuarios S.L.
Gracias a su gran experiencia, con suministros y embarques a más de 70 países, Leader Cunillense ofrece al mercado avícola español una amplia gama de productos. La empresa Leader Cunillense garantiza: Una rápida y eficiente respuesta y ofertas desde sus oficinas Las entregas se realizarán siempre a tiempo de acuerdo con las condiciones...
Granja de recría de gallinas ponedoras en suelo. Nuestra granja se encuentra enclavada en la dehesa de la Sierra Morena cordobesa, junto a la aldea de la Cañada del Gamo, perteneciente al municipio de Fuente Obejuna.
Qingdao Tianrui Farming Scientific Co., Ltd.
TIANRUI GROUP was established in 1986, the earliest manufacturer of poultry equipment and setter of poultry equipment industrial standards in China. 30 Years’ Equipment Producing Experience. Focusing on manufacturing, researching and developing automatic layer, broiler and pullet raising equipment, TIANRUI provides customers with poultry farming solutions, including product research and development,...
We have been in the business for quite some time... 1938 The birth of our company dates back to 1938. In that year, the brothers Richard and Jack DeWitt, whose parents emigrated from the Netherlands to the US, invented a sophisticated machine for automatic feeding of their poultry stock. The feeder transported feed via a mechanically driven chain. It was to become the world's...
OPTICON AGRI SYSTEMS IS-IS in gebruik voor meer dan 30 jaar, Gespecialiseerd in van Productie en Het Ontwerp gaan boerderij automatisering in Apparatuur aanverwante, appropriate for gebruik in Varkens- in pluimveehouderijen.  Opticon has ontmoet succes Blijven Groeien jaar na jaar. WIJ Streven ernaar van de Meest Innovatieve in...
PEIG GANADERA, S. L. es una empresa familiar de ingeniería especializada en la ejecución y construcción de proyectos aplicados al sector de producción animal, producción vegetal y agroalimentario que cuenta con importantes recursos técnicos, humanos y financieros, ocupando una sólida posición en el mercado. Desde nuestros inicios, en 1998,...
INSAVI Poultry Equipment
INSAVI is a 2nd generation company created in 1970, cages manufactured entirely in the European Union. Due to an enthusiastic evolution and a large experience accumulated, along with the most advanced technological materials, our cages become established as a maximum performance product. We offer,...
FLEXY company is specialized and has a well known experience on egg collection and transportation systems. From the beginning, FLEXY aimed to have high quality products by choosing the best materials and mechanical components. FLEXY products EGG WAY and LIFT WAY, respectively a road conveyor and an egg collection system, highly versatile products with high quality standards; which can be easily...
Farmer Automatic
Farmer Automatic es una de las empresas líder a nivel mundial en la fabricación y comercialización de soluciones económicamente rentables para la avicultura. Desde hace más de medio siglo la empresa produce sistemas avícolas de alta calidad para gallinas ponedoras, Pollitas de recría y pollos de engorde, en su sede en Laer, Alemania. Desde hace más de 50 años Farmer Automatic ofrece productos...
TIGSA by PGSaludables
PGS is a manufacturer of equipment for the automation of all types of livestock farming industry as pig and poultry industry. We are specialized in the automation of eating and drinking systems. Productos Ganaderos Saludables acquieres TIGSA® in Noviembre 2019. Familiar company with international experience of more than 25 years in automotive and quimic industry. Our brand ...
Ofrecemos soluciones completas para la climatización de naves de producción ganadera para la completa satisfacción del cliente. AGRENER SL. se funda en 1987 con el fin de introducir nuevas tecnologías en el sector de la producción animal intensiva. Desde entonces en AGRENER nos dedicamos de forma casi exclusiva a la climatización...
INSAVI es una empresa de 2a generación creada en 1970, fabricante de equipamientos avícolas. Gracias a una entusiasta evolución y una gran experiencia acumulada, unido a las materias tecnológicamente más avanzadas, nuestros productos se consolidan como productos de máximo rendimiento. Le ofrecemos, por encima de todo, calidad basada en el buen servicio, una buena orientación...
EXAFAN Empresa líder mundial en el desarrollo de sistemas de automatización para el sector avícola. Cuenta con una cartera que supera los 10.000 clientes. Gracias a nuestros clientes y al esfuerzo de todo nuestro equipo hemos logrado que nuestros productos cumplan con los más altos estándares de calidad y rendimiento. Combinando el control climático, la...
Hace 60 años que nos dedicamos a la avicultura intensiva. Nuestra empresa es la referencia para los clientes que quieren evolucionar rápidamente y que sus actividades van desde la genética, incubación, crianza, sacrificio y comercialización. La rápida evolución de cada día es nuestra constante. Consulte también nuestros productos para Cunicultura :
SKA s.r.l.
SKA's main priority is our customers' success. Our foremost duty is to produce efficient and reliable systems so as to enable farmers to go about their work with ease. Our systems, which are used all over the world, cover every type of bird rearing, both traditional and organic. Our product range comprises: - Automatic and manual feeding systems - Nest and egg collection...
Ayudamos a nuevos y consolidados avicultores a adaptar sus instalaciones de la forma más eficiente, el propósito de Equiporave Ibérica siempre ha sido ofrecer soluciones, no sólo productos, adaptándose a las necesidades de cada cliente y de los tiempos, siendo siempre nuestro objetivo la Optimización de la producción animal. Nuestra tarjeta de...
Empresa especializada en equipamientos y consumibles para el sector avícola de puesta y la industria del procesado del huevo. El conocimiento del mercado y los años de colaboración con otras empresas del sector, son motivo para que reconocidos fabricantes europeos confien a nuestra empresa la gestión comercial a nivel nacional. Estamos a su disposición para asesorar,...
TEXHA one of the best producers of cage equipment for poultry farming in the world. Their history dates back to 2000. Since then their production has become well-known in 20 countries on 4 continents. TEXHA never stops and persistently follows its motto "Always a step ahead." Special attention is paid to the development and implementation of innovative...
Fienhage Poultry Solutions GmbH
Bernhard Fienhage opened a cartwright’s workshop at the site still occupied by the present company in 1900. With the market for farm carts and carriages shrinking, the founder’s son Hans Fienhage (pictured on the right) took over the firm in 1955 and transformed it into a supplier of silos. The company continued to grow during the years that followed. As the firm’s senior partner, Hans Fienhage...
Jansen Poultry Equipment
Jansen Poultry Equipment was founded in 1986 by Mr A. H. Jansen for development and production of the first automatic laying nests. With his knowledge of technology and poultry, Mr Jansen succeeded in developing the most sought-after laying next. Today the company offers a wide range of poultry systems and has grown to become a flourishing international company with its headquarters located in the...
O.M.A.Z. srl
Omaz has been synonymous with experience, prestige and guarantees, all over the international poultry sector for more than fifty years. We have always been renowned for our constant technical and scientific research, our accurate selection and control of raw materials, our high production capacity, our rigorous testing and our assistance provided during the planning, implementaton and maintenance...
SALMET International GmbH
SALMET has been developing, manufacturing and distributing high quality poultry equipment since 1962. SALMET offers high standards, innovative ideas and fine-tuned technological solutions from it's German facilities. All systems are constantly being tested on SALMET farms. You can count on our long-term experience in the development and installation of superior poultry equipment. All of our...