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A product of INVESA

INVESA - CALFOSTONIC Price and Availability

Un fenómeno de la naturaleza Aminoácidos, Electrolitos y minerales, Hierro , Vitamina A , Vitamina D3 , Vitamina E , Vitamina K, Vitaminas del grupo B Complejo vitamínico y mineral en polvo oral.
El complemento ideal de la dieta diaria.
Ante los estados críticos (carenciales) del ganado en producción: cambios de dieta, pico de lactación, cubriciones, máximo rendimiento deportivo. Eficaz estimulante natural del apetito.

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Invesa (Industrial Veterinaria, S.A.) is a veterinary pharmaceutical laboratory belonging to Animedica Group. For the last 3 decades the company is devoted to the development, manufacturing and distribution of high quality medicines and nutritional products for animal health. Invesa products are manufactured in Europe. The central headquarters and the production unit are located in Barcelona (Spain). Staff is formed by more than 130 people workers worldwide. Invesa operates in different markets: Spain, Europe, Asia, America, Africa, and Middle East, as well as in the Russian market and former Soviet Republics. So it is present in more than 94 countries. Invesa has a wide portfolio to prevent and improve health, production and welfare in different animal species: Antibiotics Antiinflammatories, Analgesics Anti-parasites Hormonals Metabolism regulators Nutraceuticals … To create high quality products and to develop a trademark that inspires confidence is not just a matter of technology. In...

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