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SPIREMAT-LABEL PLUS (Comedero pollos) Alerta

A product of Tuffigo Rapidex

Tuffigo Rapidex - SPIREMAT-LABEL PLUS (Comedero pollos) Price and Availability
La gama SPIREmat responde a las necesidades de los ganaderos más exigentes
Tuffigo Rapidex idea y fabrica los sistemas de alimentación para la ganadería avícola.
La nueva gama de abrevaderos completa el equipo de las naves avícolas. Los sistemas de control de pesajes le aseguran al ganadero el control sobre el consumo.

• Arranque en los primeros días
• Un cono evita derramar el alimento, minimizando la suciedad y los desperdicios
• Una circunferencia de 120 cm garantiza el acceso a un número mayor de animales y, por lo tanto, un mejor racionamiento

    Product Photos SPIREMAT-LABEL PLUS (Comedero pollos) of Tuffigo Rapidex 1 Photo

  • Tuffigo Rapidex - P5211062.JPG

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Tuffigo Rapidex

Tuffigo Rapidex
Born of a merger of two complementary companies, Tuffigo Rapidex is a leading livestock building equipment provider for ventilation and animal feeding.
These two aspects when managed best through the appropriate technology, allow the farmer to produce animals at a lower cost by optimising both the daily rations (food/oxygenation mix) and energy expenditure (animal needs/calories to spend on heating or cooling mix). The protection and respect of animals is one of our priorities.

Mastery of these two combined factors allows for transformation of farms by improving their productivity and profitability.

Tuffigo Rapidex is one of the only brands to offer a comprehensive solution: the creation of the building, delivery of all its equipment, and innovation in all segments of the business. Our offer and our ranges are adapted to global conditions and the challenges ahead.

"The commercial and industrial synergy is strong and allows us to make comprehensive offerings through the development...

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