Day old or 16 weeks old chicks for future laying hens Alerta
Hy-Line Brown is the world’s most balanced brown egg layer. She produces over 355 rich brown eggs to 80 weeks, peaks well and begins lay early with optimum egg size. These traits combined with unrivaled feed efficiency, the best interior egg quality in the market and excellent livability give the Hy-Line Brown the perfect balance, which means more profit for the poultry producer.
Product Photos Day old or 16 weeks old chicks for future laying hens of AVIGAN TERRALTA S.A. 1 Photo
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Avigan Terralta , S.A. It's well known throughout Spain for operating , since 1968 , in the poultry layers business distributing Hy-Line stock and selling one day old chicks . In broiler sector, Terrralta Avigan starts in 1997 with one day old chicks for meat. Avigan currently has about 100,000 breeding , spread over 5 cores laying and rearing 2 cores located in the region of Terra Alta -Tarragona- in an area of very low poultry density. The hatchery was initially located in Gandesa . Now Avigan Terralta has built a new hatchery in Vinallop (Tarragona )
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