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1997 Companies

Company History: unipoint ag was founded in 1986 by a group of Swiss scientists and investors, with the aim to find and develop new feed additives based on natural nutrients that benefit animal health, performance and productivity. Company Mission: unipoint’s mission is to find ways to enhance the productivity and profitability of farms...
Since 1984 Tecnessenze has been producing a wide range of flavourings for the food industry, for savoury and confectionery products, and for animal feeds. Its success is based on the ingredients that have always been core to its business. Quality of raw ingredients Customised service
The TECHNA Group is a French-based company founded in 1964 and now operating in nearly 40 countries. TECHNA’s businesses are focused on the improvement of animal nutrition as well as plant nutrition. Our objective is to support your company in its development. To achieve this, we are committed to providing you with relevant nutritional and zootechnical expertise, original technical software,...
From leather tanning agents to food ingredients, from oenological tannins to vegetable extracts for animal feed: a profile of a world leader Silvateam sells its branded products in more than 60 countries and with a turnover of more than 100 million Euros; it is a world leader in the production, commercialisation and sale of vegetable extracts and their derivatives. Silvateam researches,...
We supply organic trace elements, functional components and additives to the feed industry worldwide. Our customers’ needs and requests are central to our business activities. We focus consistently on our customers, put our full expertise at their disposal and offer future-oriented solutions to the challenges they face. Our innovative products are developed and tested thoroughly in our group-owned...
Nutrición animal inventiva Provimi France es líder en la nutrición animal en Francia y en todo el mundo. Su actividad comprende desde las premezclas hasta las especialidades, incluidos los minerales y los aditivos, para todas las especies animales. El objetivo de la empresa es proporcionar productos y servicios cada vez más elaborados a sus clientes fabricantes, distribuidores,...
We believe that knowledge and innovations in animal nutrition is crucial factor in the success of modern livestock production. We have assembled a team of top experts in the field of nutrition, farm management and veterinary medicine whose only task is to make farm production more profitable. To achieve these goals, we engage experts from research institutes, universities...
OLMIX, sociedad francesa especialista en la fabricación de productos naturales para la nutrición y sanidad animal, a base de algas verdes y arcillas. Como MISTRAL, higienizante-secante líder del mercado. MPOUX, producto de elección en el control del ácaro rojo de la gallina y MT.X+, producto para el control de las micotoxicosis animales, realizado con la modificación nanotecnológica de arcillas, intercalando...