Dybacol GT DT 500ml Alerta
A product of Bio Trends Ibérica S.L.

Desinfectante terminal por vía aérea. Elimina el 99% de los microorganismos. Ensayos de campo que demuestren su eficacia frente a Salmonella y Listeria Monocytogenes. Producto de elección para combatir Gripe Aviar y Gripe Porcina por su composición cubre virus Influenza A, subtipos H5 y H7.
Formulación: Descarga total.
Composición: Glutaraldehído 0,15% y Cloruro de Alquildimetilbenzilamonio 0,14% en presencia de una mezcla equilibrada de alcoholes.
Aplicación: Aerosol de 250 ml para tratar hasta 250 m³. Aerosol de 500 ml para tratar hasta 500 m³.
Plazo de seguridad: 12 horas.
Formulación: Descarga total.
Composición: Glutaraldehído 0,15% y Cloruro de Alquildimetilbenzilamonio 0,14% en presencia de una mezcla equilibrada de alcoholes.
Aplicación: Aerosol de 250 ml para tratar hasta 250 m³. Aerosol de 500 ml para tratar hasta 500 m³.
Plazo de seguridad: 12 horas.
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Product Website
https://biotrends.es/desinfectantes-en-aerosol/255-dybacol-gt-dt.htmlBio Trends Ibérica S.L.

Bio Trends Ibérica S.L. was born as the Prevención Bio Ambiental, S.L. commercial division to commercialize and distribute the products under the PBA trademark.
Prevención Bio Ambiental, S.L. has been present in the market for more than 35 years, whose hallmark is the development and production of environmentally friendly biocides. We provide high-quality products as well as innovative chemical solutions. Our experience and the continuous search for effective products, which comply with the constant changes that our sector undergoes, undoubtedly make sure that your needs are covered.
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Prevención Bio Ambiental, S.L. has been present in the market for more than 35 years, whose hallmark is the development and production of environmentally friendly biocides. We provide high-quality products as well as innovative chemical solutions. Our experience and the continuous search for effective products, which comply with the constant changes that our sector undergoes, undoubtedly make sure that your needs are covered.
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