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COBB500™ Alerta

A product of COBB ESPAÑOLA, S.A.

COBB ESPAÑOLA, S.A. - COBB500™ Price and Availability
The world’s most efficient broiler has the lowest feed conversion, best growth rate and an ability to thrive on low density, less costly nutrition. These attributes combine to give the Cobb500 the competitive advantage of the lowest cost per kilogram or pound of live-weight produced for the growing customer base worldwide.

The Cobb500 has:
  • Lowest cost of live weight produced
  • Superior performance on lower cost feed rations
  • Most feed efficient
  • Excellent growth rate
  • Best broiler uniformity for processing
  • Competitive breeder

    Product Photos COBB500™ of COBB ESPAÑOLA, S.A. 1 Photo

  • COBB ESPAÑOLA, S.A. - Cobb500_2.png
  • COBB ESPAÑOLA, S.A. - cobb500_1.jpg

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Who we are:
We are a global company serving our customers through the use of innovative research and technology to make protein healthy and affordable worldwide.

What we do:
We are a poultry research company engaged in the development, production, and sale of broiler breeding stock. We are committed to providing progress, and quality in our products. We will maintain the highest level of ethical standards and integrity in our relationships with Team Members, customers, suppliers, and our communities.

How we do it:
We are committed to long term research and development, the responsible use of technology, and investment in our people and customer service. We are committed to the well-being of the animals in our care, as well as to the effort of enhancing their well-being for the future.

Our mission:
Cobb-Vantress is a global company using innovative research and technology to make protein available, healthy and affordable worldwide.

Our unprecedented commitment to and investment...

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Price and product availability

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