MCC-10 poultry computer Alerta

Complete ventilation controller for all kinds of poultry. Controls fans, heaters, airinlets, cooling,light, feed, water, alarm.
Based on house temperature, outside temperature, age and weight of the birds, or on negative pressure, the house computer calculates the amount of fresh air needed and controls the number of fans or their speed. It is possible to control fans in 2 groups in 2 different modes; example ridge fans for winter ventilation in variable speed and gable end fans for summer ventilation or variable speed fans and in steps by ON/OFF fans.
Based on house temperature, outside temperature, calculated amount of ventilation, the house computer controls the air inlet opening in order to have the optimal air speed in order to avoid drafts or cold air drops. Depending on computer capacity the air inlets can be controlled in 4 or more separate groups.
For maximum energy saving, house computer activates the heating system when the ventilation level is back at the minimum rate in order to reach the target temperature. The heating can be controlled on/off or proportionally: in order to heat only where it is necessary the heating can be divided in zones.
COOLING (pad cooling and/or fogging)
A full control of the cooling, and not just a on/off control based on temperature, is essential. Based on house temperature and R.H. level, the house computers control the cooling on the basis of the admissible air humidity at certain temperature levels in order to optimize the house environment.
In order to optimise light programs and obtain maximum results in terms of feed consumption, egg production and egg quality, the house computer controls time and duration of light periods and light dimmers with dusk/dawn simulation.
Enough feed but fresh: unsufficient feeding means drop in production and bodyweight but too much feed means spillage and stale feed into the troughs. So it is important, to know the consumption per feed run and per day in order to adjust the number and the times of feeding and the setting of the feed level out of the feeders into the troughs. The house computer can display and register feed consumption data received via a mechanical weigher, electronic batch weigher or silo weighing. (in combination with PMS-20 or BMS-20)
Correct water consumption contributes to achieve good production results. Connecting the house computer to one or more electronic water meter, this displays and register water consumption per house signals any eventual off-limit of the conusumption parameters.
The house computer detects power failures, off-limit reading of temperatures, water consumption, feed consumption, minimum stock into the bins.
One or more house computers can be connected to a PC where a dedicated software program collects all the data received and display in tables or charts, feed conversion, feed and water ratio, daily growth, mortality, time and duration of minimum and maximum temperatures. With this option, the same person reading the records, can do the remote setting.
Can send daily reports via email, connection via Internet system.
Complete ventilation controller for all kinds of poultry. Controls fans, heaters, airinlets, cooling,light, feed, water, alarm.
Based on house temperature, outside temperature, age and weight of the birds, or on negative pressure, the house computer calculates the amount of fresh air needed and controls the number of fans or their speed. It is possible to control fans in 2 groups in 2 different modes; example ridge fans for winter ventilation in variable speed and gable end fans for summer ventilation or variable speed fans and in steps by ON/OFF fans.
Based on house temperature, outside temperature, calculated amount of ventilation, the house computer controls the air inlet opening in order to have the optimal air speed in order to avoid drafts or cold air drops. Depending on computer capacity the air inlets can be controlled in 4 or more separate groups.
For maximum energy saving, house computer activates the heating system when the ventilation level is back at the minimum rate in order to reach the target temperature. The heating can be controlled on/off or proportionally: in order to heat only where it is necessary the heating can be divided in zones.
COOLING (pad cooling and/or fogging)
A full control of the cooling, and not just a on/off control based on temperature, is essential. Based on house temperature and R.H. level, the house computers control the cooling on the basis of the admissible air humidity at certain temperature levels in order to optimize the house environment.
In order to optimise light programs and obtain maximum results in terms of feed consumption, egg production and egg quality, the house computer controls time and duration of light periods and light dimmers with dusk/dawn simulation.
Enough feed but fresh: unsufficient feeding means drop in production and bodyweight but too much feed means spillage and stale feed into the troughs. So it is important, to know the consumption per feed run and per day in order to adjust the number and the times of feeding and the setting of the feed level out of the feeders into the troughs. The house computer can display and register feed consumption data received via a mechanical weigher, electronic batch weigher or silo weighing. (in combination with PMS-20 or BMS-20)
Correct water consumption contributes to achieve good production results. Connecting the house computer to one or more electronic water meter, this displays and register water consumption per house signals any eventual off-limit of the conusumption parameters.
The house computer detects power failures, off-limit reading of temperatures, water consumption, feed consumption, minimum stock into the bins.
One or more house computers can be connected to a PC where a dedicated software program collects all the data received and display in tables or charts, feed conversion, feed and water ratio, daily growth, mortality, time and duration of minimum and maximum temperatures. With this option, the same person reading the records, can do the remote setting.
Can send daily reports via email, connection via Internet system.
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OPTICON AGRI SYSTEMS IS-IS in gebruik voor meer dan 30 jaar, Gespecialiseerd in van Productie en Het Ontwerp gaan boerderij automatisering in Apparatuur aanverwante, appropriate for gebruik in Varkens- in pluimveehouderijen.
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Het Onderzoeken in te analyseren en van our clients Nodig has Om Te Blijven in van de voorhoede, variërend van Animal...
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Opticon has ontmoet succes Blijven Groeien jaar na jaar. WIJ Streven ernaar van de Meest Innovatieve in Vakgebied u Zijn ons op zoek naar voortdurend Manieren Om Te innoveren in u Verbeteren verhogen veranderende aan our our products van Eisen Klanten u Voldoen.
Nauwgezette Aandacht is Aan het Ontwerp in besteed van Productie van our products, wat betekent Dat zijn our products Van Allemaal. van de Hoogste Kwaliteit, while op hetzelfde ogenblik scherp geprijsd
Vandaag richt zich hier Opticon Toekomst: uitbreiden van Het our Groeien in de markt. We Zullen Blijven OM ervoor u Zorgen om Onze Producten Voldoen aan our Strenge Kwaliteitseisen.
Het Onderzoeken in te analyseren en van our clients Nodig has Om Te Blijven in van de voorhoede, variërend van Animal...
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