SmartCenter Alerta

SmartCenter™is a dynamic web based information system from Pas Reform that gathers real-time data, to deliver unrivalled uniformity in management and operation at every level in the modern hatchery. Three main program tiers provide rapid access to SmartCenter’s™ complete information system: Hatchery Operations, to continuously monitor incubators and hatchery automation and climate control systems, and fine-tune settings to ensure that optimum incubation conditions are maintained at all times. Hatchery Management, to support the management of key functions, ranging from track & trace, alarm management and maintenance to breed specific incubation programming. Hatchery Analysis, to query production activities and associated information, and to produce management reports for sharing in real time for analysis and decision-making purposes.
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Pas Reform is an international company, which has specialized in the development of innovative hatchery technologies for the poultry sector since 1919. The company has earned its position as one of the world’s leading hatchery equipment manufacturers, through decades of research into the biological and physiological aspects of embryo development, combined with a thorough understanding of all aspects of the poultry production chain - and a dedicated focus on the future.
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