SPACE 2014
28th SPACE: as interesting as ever A top quality trade show
To date, we have received 1,223 registrations from exhibitors, the same as at this stage in 2013; of which 363 international companies from 31 different countries.
The strong response from exhibitors illustrates the importance they attach to SPACE as a top quality trade show where they can make contact with a large number of customers, potential customers and users of their equipment or products. Suppliers to the livestock industry continue to support SPACE with enthusiasm, enabling the Show to maintain its position as the 2nd largest animal production show in the world.
SPACE es el Salón internacional de las producciones animales: rama bovina (leche y carne), porcina, avícola, cunícola y ovina.
El SPACE 2018 tendrá lugar del martes 11 al viernes 14 de Septiembre, en Rennes-Francia.
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