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Comedero Sistema M45 Alerta

A product of TIGSA by PGSaludables

TIGSA by PGSaludables - Comedero Sistema M45 Price and Availability
Comedero para aves de todas las edades, ajustable tanto a las necesidades de los pollitos de un día, como a las de un pollo adulto.

Principales características:
  • Fácil limpieza gracias a la apertura del plato "en bisagra"
  • Tubo transportador en acero galvanizado de gran resistencia
  • Toberas de gran caudal de pienso para favorecer el crecimiento en los primeros días del ave
  • Plato disponible en dos alturas distintas
  • Regulación del caudal de pienso simple y efectiva
  • Posibilidad de automatizar la elevación de las líneas de comedero
  • Tolva de control provista de dos sensores de paro independientes.
  • Espiral en acero termotemplado de alta resistencia.
  • Posibilidad de incorporar un sistema antiaseladero electrificado para impedir que las aves se encaramen al tubo de transporte.

    Product Photos Comedero Sistema M45 of TIGSA by PGSaludables 1 Photo

  • TIGSA by PGSaludables - m45.jpg

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TIGSA by PGSaludables

TIGSA by PGSaludables
PGS is a manufacturer of equipment for the automation of all types of livestock farming industry as pig and poultry industry. We are specialized in the automation of eating and drinking systems.

Productos Ganaderos Saludables acquieres TIGSA® in Noviembre 2019. Familiar company with international experience of more than 25 years in automotive and quimic industry.

Our brand  TIGSA®  coTigsa is a manufacturer of equipment for the automation of all types of livestock farming industry.

With over 40 years experience in the market we respond to the needs of farmers lthat are looking for a good equipment for automatic feeding their farms.

Tigsa is mainly characterized by first-class products. We provide a wide range that meets the highest quality standards. Trust our accredited manufacturing processes. We will suggest the most suitable product for you.

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