Tunel para almacenaje en general Alerta
A product of BALBAT

Almacenar cualquier material avícola a bajo coste.
El túnel para almacenaje en general se beneficia de la tecnología y de la fiabilidad de Richel Group, el mayor fabricante de invernaderos en Europa. Su diseño y producción son supervisados por SOCOTEC.
La estructura de tubos de acero galvanizado, que se fabrica con el método Sendzimir normalizado (NF EN 10346), cumple con los requisitos de las normas europeas NF EN 13.031-1 y de Eurocode.
La cubierta consiste en una lona tipo lona de camión con una garantía de 10 años.
5 modelos con un ancho de 4,5 m hasta 12 m. La forma de los arcos de Shelterall permite un uso óptimo de altura en la zona lateral.
El Shelterall® es rápido de montar y desmontar gracias a su sistema de montaje. La gama de aro sencillo está diseñada para un sistema de anclaje sin cimientos.
El túnel para almacenaje en general se beneficia de la tecnología y de la fiabilidad de Richel Group, el mayor fabricante de invernaderos en Europa. Su diseño y producción son supervisados por SOCOTEC.
La estructura de tubos de acero galvanizado, que se fabrica con el método Sendzimir normalizado (NF EN 10346), cumple con los requisitos de las normas europeas NF EN 13.031-1 y de Eurocode.
La cubierta consiste en una lona tipo lona de camión con una garantía de 10 años.
5 modelos con un ancho de 4,5 m hasta 12 m. La forma de los arcos de Shelterall permite un uso óptimo de altura en la zona lateral.
El Shelterall® es rápido de montar y desmontar gracias a su sistema de montaje. La gama de aro sencillo está diseñada para un sistema de anclaje sin cimientos.
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Balbat is a company engaged in the manufacture, marketing, sale and installation of materials for poultry and livestock.
Our headquarter is located in the province of Lleida (Spain), known for its farming traditions, its fruit, its olive trees and grain fields composed a rich and varied landscape.
“At the same time the farms that are scattered around the field explains the visitor that he is in a land of strong people, accustomed to hard work and long hours, in a “mainland” that exists in deep of Catalonia”
In this context BALBAT S.L. is born in the early 90s in order to offer a comprehensive service to all farmers who entrust us with the installation of their poultry farm offering our ” know how”, our professionalism and our many years of post- sale service .
The teams feeders and drinkers are among the most advanced of the market with exceptional quality and fully guaranteed .
We are specialized in quail, for this reason we have decided to go for the design of our own exclusive hopper...
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Our headquarter is located in the province of Lleida (Spain), known for its farming traditions, its fruit, its olive trees and grain fields composed a rich and varied landscape.
“At the same time the farms that are scattered around the field explains the visitor that he is in a land of strong people, accustomed to hard work and long hours, in a “mainland” that exists in deep of Catalonia”
In this context BALBAT S.L. is born in the early 90s in order to offer a comprehensive service to all farmers who entrust us with the installation of their poultry farm offering our ” know how”, our professionalism and our many years of post- sale service .
The teams feeders and drinkers are among the most advanced of the market with exceptional quality and fully guaranteed .
We are specialized in quail, for this reason we have decided to go for the design of our own exclusive hopper...
See company
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