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HatchTraveller Alerta

A product of HATCHTECH BV

HATCHTECH BV - HatchTraveller Price and Availability

Why are we doing all we can to hatch a perfect chicken, but do we not take care of the chicken during transport? 

HatchTraveller – maintaining quality on the road:
During the first days of its life, a chick is unable to regulate its own body temperature. Because of this, perfect transport conditions are necessary to maintain chick quality when delivering them from the hatchery to the poultry house. If the chick’s body temperature is kept at a constantly stable 104°F, it will not have to waste valuable nutritional energy – which is a key factor in safeguarding chick quality during transport.

Maximizing chick quality: 
The HatchTraveller is equipped with a unique climate-control system that is based on HatchTech’s laminar airflow technology and patented perforated radiators. The system ensures that the temperature of every chick in the truck is kept at a constant 104°F – the neutral body temperature zone which enables chicks to make optimum use of its nutrients (yolk). This gives it the best start possible for growth and ongoing development, so that it can later achieve its full growth potential. 

Increased transport capacity: 
In the unique HatchTraveller concept, chick baskets are placed side-by-side – no space in between is required. This makes it possible to transport significantly more day-old chicks – up to 30% per truckload – compared to traditional transport systems of equal dimensions. What’s more, when baskets are in this side-by-side position, the treated air is automatically forced through the baskets, and is not deflected around them. When air passes evenly and directly by the chick, it makes it much easier for the chick to release its own heat, and stay at the ideal 104°F at all times.

    Product Photos HatchTraveller of HATCHTECH BV 1 Photo

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  • HATCHTECH BV - HatchTraveller_2.jpg
  • HATCHTECH BV - HatchTraveller_3.jpg

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HatchTech’s guiding principle is to provide increasingly superior chick quality. This is the foundation of our business culture and practices – from research and development, product and project engineering, to customer service. Our research-based knowledge of incubation, chick transportation and brooding enables us to develop outstanding, yet user-friendly products for the global poultry industry.

In the late 1990s, HatchTech recognised an extremely important relation between embryo temperature and the optimal incubation conditions that can lead to higher standards of chick quality. Working from this insight, we developed a completely new incubation method that gives maximum control over the incubation conditions – and therefore over embryo development. The result was our revolutionary MicroClimer Setters and Hatchers which make use of patented laminar airflow technology. Within just a decade, these innovative products have made HatchTech a market leader for incubation equipment worldwide.


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