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A product of SOKEPA

SOKEPA - HYDROCARE Price and Availability
Hydrocare es un líquido que se utiliza para la higienización del agua y la limpieza de tuberías.
Lo más importante a tener en cuenta es:
- Muy efectivo
- Doble acción: limpia y desinfecta
- Más concentrado y más estable: 50 % Peróxido y 360 mg de Ag (Argentum)
- Seguro y fácil de usar
- No corrosivo
- No adultera el color y sabor del agua
- Máximo registro a nivel Europeo
Presentación en garrafas de 10 y 20 lts

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  • SOKEPA - Intra_Hydrocare_sokepa.jpg

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SOKEPA SL, was founded in 1996, in Hondarribia.
We focus on farm products supply and marketing.
During these years, we have been evolving in order to provide our customers the most suitable products, as well as a reliable service to win our clients' loyalty, day after day.
The products we provide are always of the best quality, they include our providers' warranty, which is a reference in the business.
We also have a valuable national sales department.

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Price and product availability