AMINODAT 5.0 AMINODat® 5.0 Gold is an interactive software designed to support the optimization of amino acid nutrition of animals. It is a useful tool for animal nutritionists working in feed mills as well as for animal science researchers and students. In 1997, the first AMINODat® was launched as a book and since then it is recognized worldwide as the reference database for the amino acid composition of feed...
VIUSID ©POULTRY FARMING VIUSID ©POULTRY FARMINGis a nutritional preparation made of antioxidants, vitamins, trace minerals and an element extracted from liquorice root (glycyrrhizinic acid) has demonstrated through different studies to have antiviral properties. It is common knowledge that consuming antioxidant nutrients is essential to ensure that the immune system works properly.VIUSID...
DIA'LYTE Diet complementary feed Mitigation of reactions to stress due to carriage, overpopulation and heat Special for heat strokes and rehydration Advantages: - Decrease of water losses and rehydration - Fight against infectious agents responsible for diarrhoea - Balance of mineral salts after diarrhoea Directions...
CALFOSTONIC Calfostonic Un fenómeno de la naturaleza Aminoácidos, Electrolitos y minerales, Hierro , Vitamina A , Vitamina D3 , Vitamina E , Vitamina K, Vitaminas del grupo B Complejo vitamínico y mineral en polvo oral. El complemento ideal de la dieta diaria. Ante los estados críticos (carenciales) del ganado en producción: cambios de dieta, pico de lactación,...
FORCIX POULTRY FORCIX POULTRY en aves de engorde Alternativa natural que se enfoca a los intestinos y el ciego de aves de corral. Asociación de extractos botánicos e ingredientes naturales seleccionados. Rendimiento de los animales comparable a los productos convencionales. No requiere de tiempo de retiro.
Biostrong 510 The phytogenic solution for profitable poultry fattening Biostrong 510 is a Phytogenic Feed Additive consisting of a standardized combination of microencapsulated essential oils and high valued herbal substances aligned to the needs of poultry production. The main effects of Biostrong 510 are the improved palatability of feed and the improved barn climate...
OVO-STARK COMPLEX Vitaminas y minerales INDICACIONES: Debe administrarse antes de que aparezcan los problemas de cáscara y excesiva fluidez o escasa densidad en la clara del huevo. POSOLOGIA: En aves viejas o que tengan problemas de calidad de la cáscara y fluidez en la clara del huevo, la dosis es de 4 Kg por tonelada...
SALKIL Salkil is a combination of free carboxylic acids and their ammonium salts on a unique carrier. The carrier ensures that the beneficial effects of the product are not restricted to the feed. Salkil is able to offer protection against contamination or re-contamination of poultry feed by Gram negative enteropathogens such as E. coli and Salmonella. Therefore Salkil is regularly used to...
INTRA CALFEROL Intra Calferol is pH neutral and has excellent vitamin D3 stability properties. The mixture of calcium salts and calcium gluconate has a high bioavailability. The vitamin D3 is the essential component for the bone formation or for a good egg quality. The micro element magnesium is essential for a the bone- and egg shell matrix. The body needs vitamin D3 to absorb calcium. Without enough vitamin...
FUSION MBX More than just a Mycotoxin Binder Fusion MBX contains an extremely pure form of clinoptilolite, a specific natural zeolite which has a very high cation exchange. It is very effective in binding certain mycotoxins including aflatoxin, fumonisms, ergot alkaloids and to some extent, zearalenone. Fusion MBX achieves this without affecting vitamins, minerals or other nutrients in...
FUSION DYAD More than just a Mycotoxin Binder: Fusion DYAD is a product designed to minimise the negative effects of feed borne mycotoxins. In addition to effectively minimising the risk of mycotoxins, it also has excellent ammonia binding properties and can be used as an anti-caking agent. Fusion DYAD contains a specific mineral binder which binds polar mycotoxins including:
FUSION +OS More than just a Mycotoxin Binder: Fusion+OS is a unique combination product designed to reduce the negative impact of feed-borne mycotoxins and maintain the animal´s immune system integrity. It has strong antifungal, ammonia binding and anti-caking properties as well as providing a superior source of essential amino acids, vitamins and other essential nutrients. Fusion+OS...
FUSION FEED SAFETY RANGE Fusion Feed Safety Range - More than just Mycotoxin Binders Fusion is a range of products that allows different types of commercial livestock producers to include a suitable and safe feed additive to control the mycotoxin challenge in their feeds. However, unlike other mycotoxin binders, the Fusion Feed Safety Range offers other benefits simultaneously. The Fusion Range...
COLORTEC 0,2% PONEDORAS Los oligoelementos son necesarios para todo el metabolismo. Mejoran el crecimiento de la cáscara, la salud y la resistencia al estrés. La vitamina A estimula la ingestión de alimento. Gracias a su acción sobre los epitelios, mejora la absorción de los nutrientes y protege el tubo digestivo. La Vitamina D3 es necesaria para el metabolismo...
Mejoradores calidad del huevo: QUALITEGG de NOREL QUALITEGG mejora la calidad global del huevo al restablecer el equilibrio intestinal favoreciendo la absorción de nutrientes, aumentando la disponibilidad de calcio y fósforo de alta digestibilidad, ejerciendo un control microbiano y en consecuencia mejorando su calidad interna. 1.- Restableciendo el equilibrio intestinal. Gracias a su contenido en derivados de ácidos grasos volátiles...
SILVAFEED - ENC® ENC® The best source of natural polyphenols ENC® is a natural extract obtained from chestnut wood (Castanea sativa) suitable for monogastrics such as poultry, rabbits and pigs. ENC® is an extract rich in high quality polyphenols, known for their astringent properties as reported in several studies. Polyphenols, through the mechanism of adhesion to the intestinal...
PERFALG PLUS PERFALG PLUS es un pienso complementario mineral con una innovadora composición basada en la combinación de una estudiada selección de algas marinas, entre las que se encuentra la Padina pavonica y otros géneros como Ascophyllun, Fucus y Lithothamnium. La aplicación de PERFALG en la alimentación animal tiene su acción a varios niveles : Incrementa...
Citronin XO Additive premix made from citrus extracts and steroidal saponins. Promotes the growth of lactic acid bacteria and inhibits the negative gram bacteria, which reduces the risk of enteritis and helps demedicalization.
PROMOTOR-L Get the maximum profit out of your value chain HIGH DIGESTIBILITY AMINO ACIDS It contains all the necessary amino acids, essential and nonessential, for the best development of the birds. All the amino acids are in levorotatory form, which confers a fast availability and high digestibility. HIGH CONCENTRATION The amounts of each amino acid are well-adjusted,...