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1848 Products

power-enzymes Zympex provides enzymes which have proven cost effectiveness, such as phytase, xylanase, ß-glucanase,α-galactosidase and ß-mannanase. Zympex improves nutrient availability and reduces feed costs. Reduction in environmental load is an additional bonus. Zympex P5000 Dry, phosphorus releasing enzymes.
power-mold inhibitors Moldstop is an extensive range of liquid and solid mouldinhibitors. Their broad spectrum of action prevents andtreats moulds and yeasts in raw materials, finished feedsand liquid feeds. Moldstop Ml Liquid, synergistic combination of mould-inhibiting organic acidsand their salts. Moldstop...
Hot air generators for poultry fueled by biomass
Hot air generators for poultry fueled by biomass
Hot air generators for poultry fueled by biomass with automatic loading. Hot air stoves fueled by biomass from FUNDICIONES REUS can automatically be feed by a wide variety of solid fuels. In particular they can work with shells, bagasse, wood chips, pellets, etc.. Just tell us the type of your poultry farm has, m2 and number of animals, their location, and we will...
Formula recommended in case of muscular dystrophy and period of low fertility and hatchability in layers and breeders, production losses, immuno-suppression and metabolic disorders in poultry. Composition: Vitamin E, Sorbitol, Choline chloride, Vitamin C, Selenium, Zinc.
CALDERA DE ACERO PARA COMBUSTIBLES DE BIOMASA De 100 kW a 2325 kW Caldera de acero con 3 pasos de humos verticales con sistema de autolimpieza. Construída mediante módulos independientes que se ensamblan, y que facilitan su instalación en lugares de dificil acceso. Características Presión de servicio: Estandar: 4 bar,  
Caldera biomasa para calefacción de naves avicolas Combustible de pellets, huesos o astillas entre otros. Carga automática del combustible. Reducción de CO2.
CALDERA DE HIERRO FUNDIDO PARA COMBUSTIBLES DE BIOMASA De 25 kW a 48 kW. BIOMAX: Caldera con encendido manual. BIOMAX PLUS: Caldera con encendido automático. Caldera de funcionamiento automático para combustibles sólidos como pellets, cáscara de almendra, orujillo, hueso de oliva, etc. Características Regulación...
TREIDRAMIN L is a well balanced combination of essential amino acids and salts. TREIDRAMIN L is used for: -Dehydratation due to fatigue, diarrhea, vomiting and heat; -Prevention or treatment of amino acids deficiencies in farm animals; ​-Prevention of treatment of stress caused by vaccination, diseases, transport, high humidity, high temperatures or extreme temperature...
The Butterfly® feeder provides numerous benefits aimed at improving your bottom line. First, the exclusive Butterfly feeder design keeps birds out of the tray for true perimeter feeding. So feed remains clean and free from unhealthy droppings. This results in healthier birds, greater weight gain, lower feed conversion rates and more profit. Also, Butterfly trays simultaneously adjust as birds grow...
Equipo robusto de fácil mantenimiento, aplicable a todos los tipos de máquinas de coser del tipo industrial. Subida manual o eléctrica. Alimentador de sacos para la máquina de coser. Alimentador con inserción de papel crepado. Sistema automático de corte de la línea. Cuadro de mandos para la máquina de coser, alimentador, corte de línea y de la...
PCR Test Kits for Mycoplasma
PCR Test Kits for Mycoplasma
Mycoplasmosis: Poultry flocks are susceptible to respiratory infections from a variety of agents, including Mycoplasma spp. The usual types of infection from Mycoplasma spp. are chronic respiratory disease, airsacculitis, sinusitis and synovitis. In many cases, however, the infection may be identified only through serological and culture methods. Monitoring a flock for exposure...
The Veranda Breeder is a multi-tiered group housing system for breeders. Birds are housed in groups assuring a uniform distribution of males and females and reducing stress within the flock. While using vertical space, the Veranda Breeder departs from the conventional floor design, increasing the number of birds for the floor area used. Combined with a high level of automation, this enables the farm...
Anolytech Disinfection System™ As our aim is to turn the use of disinfectant agents in a safe and eco-friendly direction, we have devel-oped Anolytech Disinfection System™, which is the result of many years of development and use in a variety of different enterprises. Anolytech Disinfection System™ uses only water, salt and electricity to produce...
GRANDO NEST - Nest for breeders and layers
GRANDO NEST - Nest for breeders and layers
The success of our Classic Nest continued with the development of the Grando Nest. The nest is made of durable and hygienic materials, such as high quality plastics and stainless steel. But above all these materials provide an attractive area for a bird to lay her egg. The smart nest design allows for quick assembly, and easy access to essential elements for maintenance and thorough cleaning. These...
With the two-tiered Veranda Aviary you have full control over your layers. Each tier offers feed, water and nest space, providing easy access for all hens to these essentials. Exterior ramps facilitate access to both levels and the scratching area. The Veranda Aviary: - is a safe choice, regardless of the rearing system; - prevent eggs remaining in the system - maximises...

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