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1848 Products

The Matan range of products (MatanR™ and MatanHP™) is a range of condensed proteins manufactured using sugar processing technology, combining proteins, amino acids and sugars under specific conditions. These products deliver amino acids in an ideal form, helping to maximise nutrient utilisation in the birds. What are the benefits to the Producer? The...
AlphaStart Turkey
AlphaStart Turkey
AlphaStart Turkey is a unique product that matches the requirements of the day old poult and delivers optimum performance from the start. What is AlphaStart Turkey? AlphaStart Turkey is a high quality mini pellet prestarter for growing turkeys. Made up of a range of highly digesti¬ble ingredients, AlphaStart Turkey is based on our unique proprietary...
Devenish Nutrition with support from our loyal customers is a significant supplier of poultry premixes. We offer a complete range of poultry premixes for all avian species, including: Broilers Broiler Breeders Laying Hens Turkeys Ducks Pheasant and Game Pigeons We specialise in diet formulation and the...
AlphaStart Broiler
AlphaStart Broiler
AlphaStart Broiler is a unique product that matches the requirements of the day old chick and delivers optimum performance from the start. What is AlphaStart Broiler? AlphaStart Broiler is a high quality mini pellet pre-starter for growing broilers. Made up of a range of highly digestible ingredients, AlphaStart Broiler is based on our unique proprietary DevAmine...
THE MOST COST EFFECTIVE HEAT EXCHANGER Affordable, easy to install and use Reduces heating cost and humidity levels Control the humidity for drier litter Easy cleaning and disinfecting Operating continuously with regulation The unequalled reference on the HRV's market REDUCES HEATING COSTS...
Firm services and premixes
Firm services and premixes
InVivo Animal Nutrition and Health’s service-company activity involves manufacturing technical products and providing related high value-added consultancy services, including advice for farmers, feed formulation, production techniques, raw materials purchases and rearing and feeding techniques. What is a premix? Premixes cover the basic needs...
Descripción: Adsorbente de micotoxinas de alta especificidad. Presentación: Sacos de 25 Kg Dosis: Alta contaminación: 5 Kg/Tm Contaminación media: 2 Kg/Tm Contaminación baja: 1 Kg/Tm
Layer Aviary - Hellmann
Layer Aviary - Hellmann
Layer Aviary Rearing and keeping of hens in alternative systems is no problem with Hellmann Aviaries. Thanks to specific solutions for each area and extensive consulting and an easy management programs, Hellmann customers can face the future relaxed. Layer Aviary Pro 10 The layer Aviary Pro 10 was developed after long term...
Descripción: Probiótico con el registro permanente de la UE de pollos de engorde.Aumenta la digestibilidad y EM in-vivo.Altas ganancias de peso vivo y FCR y baja mortalidad.Uso durante todo el ciclo de vida de los pollos.Puede usarse en premezclas y alimento completo.Sobrevive a temperaturas de granulación de hasta 95ºC. Presentación: Sacos 25...
Descripción: Extracto derivado de la pared celular de la levadura (Saccharomyce cervisiae). Contiene altos niveles de beta-Glucanos y Mananoligosacáridos muy eficientes. Technomos unifica los efectos positivos de ambas y mejora el estado de salud y los rendimientos productivos de los animales. Su efectividad se basa en: Estimulación del sistema inmunitario Desplazamiento...
Descripción: Productos antisalmonella para los piensos y materias primas basado en el ácido más eficaz frente a bacterias (Fórmico). Presentación: Granel, Contenedores 1200 Kg. Dosis: 0,5 a 8 Kg/Tm de materia prima/alimento
GLOBAFIX RANGE: Globafix and Globafix Plus Indications and Benefits: Globafix: Association of two specific and unique magnesium-rich smectites with high mycotoxin binding affinity Effectively and efficiently binds a broad range of economically important mycotoxins Significantly...
GLOBATIOX RANGE Globatiox 32 Premix Globatiox D4 Powder Globatiox 32 Liquid Globatiox D4 Liquid Indications and Benefits: Intelligent complex of multiple synergistic oxidation controlling agents Unique formulation and production process for long-term stability and efficacy Special...
Fieravicola 2015 - Fiera di Forli
Fieravicola 2015 - Fiera di Forli
ITALY FORLÌ 15-17 APRIL 2015 With over 300 exhibitors, more than 30% from overseas, and an exhibition area covering over 20.000 m2, FierAvicola once again confirms its place as Italy’s leading trade show and one of Europe’s most high-profile B2B events for the poultry sector. This specialist event is the ideal meeting place for poultry industry...
KL Aviary
KL Aviary
KL aviary Open-sided, multilevel aviaries offer laying hens all the advantages of being in a natural, outdoor setting while giving the farmer a degree of monitoring and supervision that was previously available only in enclosed henhouses. A cleverly thought-out henhouse concept, based on a modular design. Our long years of experience have shown us that the correct arrangement...